Shopping can be tough for a vegetarian. If I am not going to eat a cow, I am sure as heck not going to wear it's skin. I am constantly digging inside purses at Marshall's to find that little tiny materials tag. And, many times, I am sadly disappointed. It's really hard to find quality handbags that are not leather. The key word there is "quality." There is a plethora of faux leather and PVC bags lining the racks at discount stores, but they are often poor quality and will not stand up to the mom with 4 children level of crap I carry around me with. I don't have any kids...my purse is just packed like I have a gaggle of them. But Sole Society (as I have recently discovered) offers top notch handbags without all the leather. And, as well as being cruelty-free, vegan bags tend to be a little cheaper!
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