I'm a thirty-something, vegetarian, attorney living in central New Jersey with my cat, dog, and husband (The Scot). Like a proper New Jerseyan I love Bon Jovi and pizza and like a proper crazy cat lady I am a sucker for animals.
After obsessively reading fashion blogs for awhile, my Type A personality began to shine and I thought, "I can do that too!" And with the coaxing of my best friend Elena, who shares my love of eating and shopping, this blog was born. Elena was my inspiration for this blog because we often ignore our 9 to 5 lifestyle and spend the weekends eating and shopping like the socialites on Page Six, minus the money, husbands, eating disorders and with more cats.
Well, I am slowly realizing that this whole blogging thing is a lot harder than it looks. I also decided I could do something more constructive with my shopping obsession. So, join me as I eat and shop through life. I may get up on my green, vegetarian soap box once in awhile, so bear with me.
And here are my fur babies
Apollo |
Gaia (the ruler of home and my albatross)
*My Blogin' in NJ button is courtesy of Design Space.