Today I am bringing you a giveaway because my sponsor's are super generous (and because it's too cold to take outfit photos!) Touch of Tartan and I are offering a $20 Bloomie's gift card and Dollar Store Diva and I are offering 1 month of ad space! And don't worry, if you're not a blogger, you can still enter to win the gift card!

1. follow your hosts
Tara @ Penniless Socialite
2. grab a buttonOr link back to one of your hosts, and help us promote Look What I Got!
3. link up!
Link up your post on what you got (for cheap)!
(Please don't link up your entire blog or any posts that are not "Look What I Got"! )
We love having you link up and we will be reading all your posts! So, if you don't follow the rules and link back you'll be put in time out (i.e. we'll delete your link).
4. mix and mingle
Visit some other blogs and let them know you found them through the link up!