Penniless Socialite: Look What I Got: Vintage Floral Dress

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Look What I Got: Vintage Floral Dress

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Floral Dress: Instagram via @vintagewhimsy | Cardi: J.Crew |
Shoes: Jessica Simpson via DSW (exact) | 
Necklace: Lucas Jack via Rocks Box | Bracelet: thrifted | Hat: Beaux Chapeau
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Last weekend we joined some friends for a picnic at a local winery.  We fancy.  What do you wear to a picnic lunch at a winery?  If you say any thing other than a giant hat and a vintage floral dress you are wrong.
I had been looking for an occasion to wear this dress, but one had not arisen until last weekend.  And this journey to the winery was a long one.  Not in terms of our actual travel time to the winery, but in terms of prepping this dress for the occasion.  I ordered this dress from another Instagram shop.  ( I know, I have a problem)  And it was waaay too big.  Mostly the elastic on the back of the dress had given up on life after 20 to 30 years.  So, after attempting to belt the crap out of the dress, I took it to a seamstress...who had to cut out the entire back of the dress and reconstruct it....and she did it all for $22.  It probably helps that I bring in at least one item per week to be dry cleaned. 

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