Hi The Penniless Socialite readers! I'm Jenn, and I blog over at hellorigby!, a lifestyle and fashion blog that's named after my silly dog, Rigby. He's a one-and-a-half year old Shiba Inu who runs my life most days. I mostly write about fashion and life, but I also enjoy beauty and reading so I write about those topics sometimes too. I'm a little bit sarcastic, and a lot in love with my hometown, Seattle. You'll probably see some shots of some of my favorite places and local events from time to time too. I'd love for you to come say hi!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
(Please follow all the rules. If you don't we'll have to delete your post from the link up...and we really don't want to have to do that)
1. Follow your hosts
Follow your hosts via GFC or Bloglovin' and leave us a comment letting us know so that we can return the favor!
2. Grab a button
Grab a button, put it at the bottom of your post, on your sidebar or in your linky list. (or a text link works fine too!)
3. Link up
Link up your favorite outfit post of the week. Please only link up outfit posts from the current week. Posts that don't fit these guidelines (such as giveaways or old posts) will be deleted from the link up.
4. Comment & Hop Around
Comment on your host's blog and on at least one other linked up post. Visit as many of the lovely blogs that are linked up. Comment and let them know you found them from Favorite Fashion Friday!
Tara @ Penniless Socialite
Jenn @ Hello Rigby