I had been searching for the perfect blog (and life) planner for quite some time. I tried countless planners and even tried making my own. However, I finally found the perfect planner in the MAMBI Happy Planner. I love this planner because it's adorable and you can find fun little stickers to customize it pretty much everywhere. So, let's delve into how I plan my blogging.
Happy Planner covers are adorable. I opted for polka dots. And they are interchangeable. You can find tutorials on how to make your own or you can browse Etsy.
Each month has a general overview calendar. I don't really use this too much for blogging, other than for big events. This calendar more helps me organize my life out of blog land. I purchased these awesome gold stickers that help to coordinate important appointments, vacations, meetings, etc. I also purchased some Heidi Swapp stickers as Michael's to just generally make the planner pretty. Some fine point sharpies for actually writing in the planner and cute Kate Spade paper clips for keeping my place also come in handy. Since photographing this, I have also added in some household budgeting and noting when bills are due with some little stickers from Etsy.
You can also add little note pages in your planner. I use them to joy down post and outfit ideas.
And on to the real action: the weekly planning pages. This is where the blogging takes over. Each day is divided up into three squares (morning, afternoon, and evening). I have used some washi tape and Add a Little Shine stickers to customize them. I use the top square to late out the day's post, appropriately labeled with a "Blog" sticker. The middle square is where I keep track of my social media sharing of my post, thanks to this awesome printable from Strange and Charmed. I just print them out on a giant label sheet and cut them out. The bottom square is my daily "To Do" list, which is labeled with the same Add a Little Shine stickers. And I always make sure to decorate a little more with some other stickers.
Since I don't post much on the weekends, those squares could go to waste. However, I have created my own little printable sticker to keep track of my weekly blog tasks and my stats. My weekly to do list reminds me to interact with the blog community and stay active on social media,
I've also created a little printable to keep track of my monthly sponsors. I just use pre-punched Happy Planner blank pages and stick this on with a little double-sided tape.

And of course I need a little folder to keep all those stickers! Good thing MAMBI makes those

And because I love mine so much, I want to give away one 2015 Happy Planner to one of my readers!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
1. follow your hosts
Tara @ Penniless Socialite
2. grab a buttonOr link back to one of your hosts, and help us promote Look What I Got!
3. link up!
Link up your post on what you got (for cheap)!
(Please don't link up your entire blog or any posts that are not "Look What I Got"! )
We love having you link up and we will be reading all your posts! So, if you don't follow the rules and link back you'll be put in time out (i.e. we'll delete your link).