A man in a kilt is a man and a half - Unknown
The people asked for it and I have delivered: a close up look at a man in a kilt. Kilts were originally worn by those who lived in the Scottish Highlands and the military regiments of the Highlands. They could be used as blankets by the soldiers and then soldiers could just march in the nude when wearing clothes just became too much of a burden. Tartans (plaid pattern) were associated with different regions of the Highlands, based upon the locally available dyes and local preferences. Now, tartans are associated with clans. Well, the Scot's clan just has a hideous tartan, so he wore Black Watch tartan, which is worn with a Scottish regiment of the British Army.
The top part is pretty boring. It's just a jacket, waistcoat, shirt and bow tie. The Scot's sort of looked like something a waiter would wear but with more fancy buttons.
The traditional Highland garb is about more than just a fancy plaid skirt. There's also a fanny pack. They called is a sporran, I call it a fanny pack. It's typically made of the skin of a badger, seal, ermine or rabbit. Ew. I'm pretty sure the Scot's was made of the highest quality polyurethane. The Scot kept chapstick and my camera in there. It's a fanny pack. The sporran evolved because the kilt has no pockets. They're even making girls' skirts with pockets now. You can put pockets in a kilt, but then I guess you miss out on the hairy fanny pack.
And now we've come to the funniest named items. Well, except for the kilt pin. That's just a fancy brooch that keeps the layers of your kilt together. The Sgian Dubh (proounced skeen doo) is a knife tucked into the sock...or kilt hose. The Scot made a kilt faux pas and he wore white hose to an evening event where he should have worn dark hose. He also forgot his kilt flashes, which are little flags that stick out of the kilt hose. There are so many things that are supposed to stick out of those socks. And the most challenging part of the Highland dress...the lace up loafers (or ghillie brogues). We alternatingly laced though suckers up all night. I think the only way they stay up is if you can manage not to bend your ankles when you walk.