Belt // From Target Skirt
Shirt // Marshall's (similar here)
Ring // Banana Republic
Necklace and Earrings // Rocks Box
The Scot's birthday is this week and since I got myself a trip to San Francisco for the Scot's birthday, we decided to celebrate this weekend. So, I totally ripped off an outfit from Still Being Molly and off we went. (Yes, I am abandoning my boyfriend on his birthday and my mother on Thanksgiving in order to go get drunk with my sister and see the Full House house in San Fran) I took him to Banana Republic and got him a new pair of pants, then to Starbucks for a Peppermint Mocha, then to Princeton to see a movie and prance around and take pictures. It was the birthday of every middle-aged lady's dreams. We stopped short of picking up a few more cats at the shelter.

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