Penniless Socialite: February 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

Favorite Fashion Friday Link Up #42

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I've been moving into my new home this week and (literally) just got internet.  So, I will be playing catch up this week with visiting blogs and such.  With that said, thank  you for making last week the most successful week of Favorite Fashion Friday!  I will be visiting all of your blogs this weekend and paying homage to you.

I was able to do a little perusing from my phone and this outfit from The House of Shoes jumped out at me.  I love the look of a flowy midi....and wouldn't you know, they are so in this spring.  It's nice when things work out like that.

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(Please follow all the rules.  If you don't we'll have to delete your post from the link up...and we really don't want to have to do that)

1. Follow your hosts

Follow your hosts via GFC or Bloglovin' and leave us a comment letting us know so that we can return the favor! 

2. Grab a button

Grab a button, put it at the bottom of your post, on your sidebar or in your linky list.  (or a text link works fine too!)

3. Link up

Link up your favorite outfit post of the week.  Please only link up outfit posts from the current week.  Posts that don't fit these guidelines (such as giveaways or old posts) will be deleted from the link up.

4. Comment & Hop Around

Comment on your host's blog and on at least one other linked up post.  Visit as many of the lovely blogs that are linked up. Comment and let them know you found them from Favorite Fashion Friday!

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Look What I Got Look Link Up: Trade Your Beauty Samples on eDivv!

If you're like me, you probably have a pile of unwanted, unused beauty samples (and even full sized products).  My name is Tara and I am a beauty product hoarder.  I'll get samples shopping at Sephora, in my monthly beauty boxes and just randomly in the mail.  Sometimes I just don't like the product, other times I just don't have enough hours in the day to try every new beauty product.  As the Scot and I were getting ready to move, I figured I should purge my beauty product wagon.  (It's not a wagon, but it is three huge drawers on wheels.).  I felt guilty throwing away all of this great stuff that I was just never going to use.  Then eDivv appeared on the horizon to change my wasteful ways....
eDivv on a Tablet is the very 1st online marketplace where you can swap beauty subscription box samples and other beauty products!  If you have unwanted or duplicate products from your Birchbox, Ipsy, Julep or other monthly beauty services (or even from Sephora).  (I cheated and uploaded a few full size products that were still in the packages that I just never used). Trade it!  You get 4 to 6 products in each box each month.  There is just no way you love them all.  Trading products can be like getting another monthly beauty box subscription. It can be just as fun and easy as receiving the boxes. And best of all...this entire service is free!  You just pay to ship your products to your swap partner.
Ok, now for the details.  First step is to upload photos and descriptions of the products you want to trade to your "shop."  It's super easy (just like uploading stuff to Poshmark or Storeenvy)  Once your shop is stocked, you can start trading.  Trading, or as likes to call it, “divvying,” starts with a “Divvy” Request.  You find a product you like and send a divvy request to the user and note which items in your shop you'd like to trade for.  Users can specifiy in their profiles what kind of items they are looking for.  Users can accept, decline, or counter their trading partner’s offer through checking or un-checking products listed under their trading partner’s account.  Once you've successfully traded, you get your partner's address and ship off your items!   Here's a little break down of the process.

How eDivv Works Screenshot
In just a two weeks, look at all I've divvied!  I send away products that weren't my color or style, or that I just didn't use and got a butt ton of stuff that I love!  I love having a stock of travel shampoo, moisturizer and face wash for weekends away or short trips.

Join eDivv today and you can start trading with me!  My shop is found here, and I've been uploading stuff at least once a week because we're moving and I am trying to purge as much as I can!  So, will you be joining?

And now it's on to the link up!

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1. follow your hosts

Sharon @ The Tiny Heart

2. grab a button
Or link back to one of your hosts, and help us promote LookWhat I Got!

3. link up!
Link up your post on what you got (for cheap)!
(Please don't link up your entire blog or any posts that are not "Look What I Got"! )

We love having you link up and we will be reading all your posts! So, if you don't follow the rules and link back you'll be put in time out (i.e. we'll delete your link).

4. mix and mingle
Visit some other blogs and let them know you found them through the link up!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Right Shoe Ain't Always the Pretty Shoe

sequin blazer 1 
Blazer: c/o Jolly Chic (exact) | Monogram Necklace: c/o Onenecklace (exact, worn) | 
Spike Necklace: c/o Yuni Kelley (exact, worn) | Petra Earrings: Loren Hope via Rocks Box (exact) | 
Jeans: Old Navy | 
sequin blazer 2 

sequin blazer 3 sequin blazer 4 sequin blazer 5

Yes, I know that my feet are cut off in all of theses pictures.  No, the Scot did not forget how to take blog photos.  He is a true professional.  My shoes are not featured in these pictures because I finally succumbed to the power of the snow and ice and wore sensible shoes.  However, sensible does not equal cute.  Big ugly boots just did not go with my sequin blazer and Loren Hope earrings.  I just made sure to go out that night to a place where I was sitting and no one would look at my shoes.  Just pretend I am barefoot.

Do you ever put fashion over comfort?

Linking up with  Little Miss MondayMix it MondayFunday MondayMonday Morning GossipMonday MingleTrend Spin Link UpStylish TuesdaySyle SessionsAfternoon StyleThe Pleated PoppyTransatlantic BlondeWhims WednesdayBecause Shanna Said So, I Feel PrettyI do deClaireBe.You.,tiful Link PartyMix and Match FashionAll Things ThursdayLovely Blog HopFriday's FivePassion for FashionSimply Just LovelyGlitz and GoldVodka Infused LemonadeThat Friday Blog HopFashion Informant Link Up, and Perfectly Coutured
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

In the Caboodle: Hask Hair

review hask hair

This winter in New Jersey has been rough on the roads, my car, my heating bill and my hair.  I am not a blow dryer and hair iron attic.  In fact, I love giving my hair a break and going au-naturale.  However, in the snow and sub-zero temperatures we've have this season have forced me to dry and fry my hair everyday.  Just as I thought all was lost, a miracle cure appeared on my doorstep from HASK.  HASK sent me the following for review
The Keratin Protein Smoothing Shampoo and Conditioner sent to me by HASK is designed for damaged and over-processed hair.  The Keratin reduces frizz.   It left my hair feeling light and smooth.  I used the Keratin HASK products for three days in a row and I had three great hair days.  I do not think it's just a coincidence.  Foe those three days I did not have to use hairspray to tame my flyaways.  My hair was soooo silky smooth!  
HASK also sent me Argan Oil Repairing Shampoo and Conditioner. Argan oil claims to repair damage and breakage.  After just a week of using this shampoo, my hair just looked healthier.  I had less breaking strands and my split ends appeared to be reduced.  
Upon first sniff, the shampoo and conditioner don't have much of a scent.  However, they left my hair with a clean slight lemony scent, which I loved.  It wasn't too much smell....just enough and it lasted until my next shampoo.  Additionally, all of the shampoo comes in brown plastic bottles, which protects the product from sun damage.  I never even thought of that!

review hask hair 2

As if 2 bottles of shampoo and 2 bottles of conditioner weren't enough, HASK also sent me the matching Intense Deep Conditioning Hair Treatments and matching oils for each of the two types. The Keratin Conditioning Treatment was actually the first thing I used.  My hair needed emergency treatment, it needed the paddles.  My hair instantly felt soft, silky, and healthy. I applied a palm full of the treatment all over my hair, left them it half an hour and just waited for the ridicule from the Scot.  After I rinsed out the treatment, I dried my hair and for the first time ever, I did not need to use the hair straightener.  My hair was much straighter and smoother than ever before.
Also, I did not realize that the products were sulphate free until I really looked closely at the bottle.  My main complaint with sulphate free shampoos is that they don't produce enough lather and , in my opinion, don't cleanser my hair.  However, the shampoos lathered just like and another shampoo and left my hair feeling great.  The lack of sulphate also means that it's not stripping your hair with every wash.  Therefore, I highly recommend these products for people that absolutely have to wash their hair everyday (like me).  
HASK products are available on Amazon and at Walmart and Sally Beauty Supply.  Will you be giving them a try?
Disclosure: These products were provided to me free of charge via BrandBacker.  However, all opinions are 100% mine and I was not compensated in any other way for this post.

Linking up with Noor's Place and Glossy Blonde
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Monday, February 24, 2014

It's Moving Day!

Well, it was actually Saturday, but I'm still using it as an excuse to take a day off of blogging. And, we don't have internet yet. After about 9,000 set backs we are finally homeowners! I am sure I will be sharing the moving in and decorative process with you all. The only update I can give right now is that the Scot is really tired of looking at paint colors and he does not care what color table runner we get.
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Friday, February 21, 2014

Favorite Fashion Friday #41

I have HUGE news!
bonnie 1
I am no longer going solo at this link up and Bonnie is making her triumphant return!  Well, actually, I should say Dr. Bonnie is making her triumphant return, since the reason for her absence was her phD. program.

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My favorite look this week comes from Style Diary.  I love the spring trend of full midi skirts.  I love this look because Katie, like me, is petite with hips.  I am always afraid of skirts that are too long or too full.  But, after seeing how great Katie looked in the skirt, I bought two.

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(Please follow all the rules.  If you don't we'll have to delete your post from the link up...and we really don't want to have to do that)

1. Follow your hosts

Follow your hosts via GFC or Bloglovin' and leave us a comment letting us know so that we can return the favor! 

2. Grab a button

Grab a button, put it at the bottom of your post, on your sidebar or in your linky list.  (or a text link works fine too!)

3. Link up

Link up your favorite outfit post of the week.  Please only link up outfit posts from the current week.  Posts that don't fit these guidelines (such as giveaways or old posts) will be deleted from the link up.

4. Comment & Hop Around

Comment on your host's blog and on at least one other linked up post.  Visit as many of the lovely blogs that are linked up. Comment and let them know you found them from Favorite Fashion Friday!

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Look What I Got Link Up: Dots, Gingham, Elephants and a Sale!

dots, plaid and elephant 
Gingham Shirt: J. Crew Factory (worn, similar) | Blazer: Marshalls (worn, similar) | 
No. 2 Pencil Skirt: J. Crew (worn, similar) | Booties: Target (worn, similar) | 
Necklace: J. Crew Factory (worn, similar) | 
Bracelet: c/o Transcendence Designs | Watch: Michael Kors (worn)
dots, plaid and elephant 2 dots plaid and elephant 3
I'm not an easy person to live with.  I admit it.  I am neurotic, obsessive and get frustrated very easily.  These are personality flaws I try to work on everyday.  In the Scot's own words, "You are much more of a pain in the ass than I ever thought I'd wind up with."  I think he may have said it was worth it afterwards, but I blacked out in anger.  Well, anyway, obviously, one area in which I am neurotic is with my clothing.  Some mornings when I get ready it's like an 80's movie montage of me trying on clothes.  However, sometimes a spark of brilliance hits me.  This outfit was such a a spark.  I literally thought of this outfit in the middle of the night.  I had to get out of bed, find a pen and pad, and write it down.  You can imagine how thrilled the Scot was about this disturbance in the middle of the night.  Just another one of the perks of living with me.

This little elephant bracelet was an anchor for the outfit.  I wanted an outfit that would allow this cute little guy to shine, but still be interesting enough for the blog.  If you love this cute little beaded dude, you can get one super cheap because Transcendence Designs is having a sale!

Transcendence Designs is having a HUGE sale!  
This cute little Etsy shop is super cute and now you can get some super deals!
Transendence Design Collage

Just use the code 
at check out.

get the look new

 photo LWIGRules_zps26ecaa31.png

1. follow your hosts

Sharon @ The Tiny Heart

2. grab a button
Or link back to one of your hosts, and help us promote LookWhat I Got!

3. link up!
Link up your post on what you got (for cheap)!
(Please don't link up your entire blog or any posts that are not "Look What I Got"! )

We love having you link up and we will be reading all your posts! So, if you don't follow the rules and link back you'll be put in time out (i.e. we'll delete your link).

4. mix and mingle
Visit some other blogs and let them know you found them through the link up!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Only List of Blogging Apps You'll Ever Need

best blogging apps

Until I sat down and really thought about it, I never realized how many apps I use to put this little blog together.  There are so many moving parts!  So, here's a list of my favorites that I use that go into the production of my little slice of the internet.

Social Media:

  • Hoot Suite: You probably think I am glued to my computer all day, since I appear to be on Facebook and Twitter numerous times per day.  However, this is all an illusion created by Hoot Suite.  Hoot Suite allows me to schedule all of my posts on Twitter and Facebook all at once.  I usually schedule my posts in the morning.  And I often schedule my sponsor shout-out posts on Sundays to run throughout the week!  It just helps keep my social media presence organized.  I wish they would add Instagram.
  • Bitly: Bitly is a link shortening website.  However, it's so much more!  You can track the stats of your shortened links.  And, what I like most, is that there is a mobile app.  So, I can share my shortened links to Twitter and Facebook from my phone, which is how I do most of my social media-ing.

  • Dropbox: Dropbox is basically an online folder that you can have linked to multiple computers and your phone.  I have my Dropbox on my home computer and on my phone, so I can share my blog photos between devices, making it easier for me to post to Instagram or other social media from my phone.
  • Pic Frame: I use PicFrame to make collages for Instagram (@penniless_s), for my personal account as well as my shop account (@pennilesscloset).  I love that you can adjust the size of each photo compartment and adjust the orientation and size of each photo.  It's just super easy to use.  You can also make those nifty mirrored outfit photos that you see bloggers posting on Instagram.  Because one of me just isn't enough.
  • A Beautiful Mess: It's just a photo editing program, but it's the most adorable of all of them.  It allows you to add text and cutesy little graphics!
  • Pic Monkey: I edit all my blog photos in PicMonkey...because I can't afford PhotoShop.  The editting is good enough for my purposes and you can make collages.
  • Magic Hour: When you're not a very good photographer, the lighting is that much more important.  Magic Hour lets you know when the light outside is best for photos.
  • Flickr: I use Flickr to host all of my blog photos.  I switched from Photobucket when they wanted to charge me for extra space and crapped out about once a week turning all my blog photos into empty squares.  Flickr has tons of space and has just started offering photoeditting, which might make PicMonkey useless to me.  And, Flickr has a mobile app...just in case I have to draft on the go from Bloggers stupidly terrible mobile app that did not make this list.  It's for emergencies only.

  • Posh Mark: I've started selling my clothes via Poshmark.  You can find my closet here.  I've had only limited success selling on there.  It's just too much work...sharing and parties and such.  If you're on there you know what I mean.  However, I LOVE shopping on there.  It's so easy and you can get some really great deals!  Later this month I will share some of my recent acquisitions thanks to Poshmark.
  • reward Style:  Bloggers got to make money somehow! If you don't know, Reward Style allows you to insert product links that can earn you a commission. Although I think you get better commissions with Shop Style, Reward Style made this list because it's mobile app is awesome.  The Reward Style mobile app allows you to make you Instagram posts shoppable.  So, when people like your post, they can have the links to the products you are featuring emailed to them!  
So, there's my list.  What are your favorite apps for blogging?  Is there something out there that I don'tknow about that could change my (blogging) life?

Linking up with: Whims WednesdayBecause Shanna Said So, I Feel PrettyBe.You.,tiful Link PartyLovely Blog HopStyle ElixirFriday's FiveGlitz and Gold,, and Perfectly Coutured
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

In the Caboodle: February Ipsy Bag

Feb 14 Ipsy Bag Feb 14 Ipsy Collage
My Ipsy bag was a little late this month; I assume because of all the snow.  So, I had already seen most of the products in other bloggers' posts and had my fingers crossed that I would get certain things. 
  • Pop Beauty Plump Pout Mini in Peony Petal ($16): I unexpectedly loved this product.  I am pretty attached to my Buxom and Mary Kay lip glosses and I rarely stray.  However, Pop Beauty's gloss is super smooth and moisturizing.  It's pretty long lasting for a gloss, and my hair didn't even get stuck in it.  The peony petal color is the perfect shade of pink for fair skin.  It's a little pink and a little red, but not too bright.  
  • Zoya Polish in Odette ($9): I love Zoya polish.  I was really hoping I'd get this smokey purple in my bag.  And I did!
  • Eyetini Cordial Cream Shadow in Spiced Rum ($18): This shadow is supposed to be a shadow and primer in one.  It's fairly thick, but applies nicely.  Unfortunately, this color is not for my fair skin.
  • City Color Be Matte Blush in Fresh Melon ($2.99): I have no opinion on this blush because I did not try it.  This color would look absolutely terrible on me.
  • NuMe Hair Mask: This is a conditioner that you're supposed to apply to damp hair after your shower and then rinse.  I have not had time to try it out, but right now my hair could use a little moisture pick-me-up.  I usually don't use a dryer and straightener on my hair everyday, but the tundra-like conditions lately have forced me to blast my hair with heat everyday.  It doesn't appear to be available on NuMe's website yet, so I have no idea what it costs.
The total value of my glam bag this month was about $45 (even without the unknown cost of the hair mask)!  (I didn't know the real value of the mark fading pads, so my number is a little vague).  Although I will not use the lip pencil and nail polish, I think it was worth it.

The Glam Bag Deets
  • $10 per month
  • 5 beauty products, some full sized (2-3) in each bag
  • 1 cosmetic bag
**Full Disclosure: Ipsy is a monthly beauty subscription services.  I am in no way affiliated with Ipsy and have not received any compensation for this post.  However, I do receive points to redeem for product if I refer new subscribers with my referral link here.  All opinions are 100% mine. 

Linking up with Noor's Place and Glossy Blonde
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